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We grow & prepare your future API

Expertise in botanicals for 25 years.

From a seed to final product.

About us

Expertise in botanicals

Natura Expert Group consists of enterprises and farms specialising in scientific research in the field of innovative herbal technology. This technology allows obtaining uniform, high-quality plant material, free from pesticides, heavy metals and adulteration. As part of conducted research projects, based on regular contracts, companies use their innovative technological processes to obtain unique and exclusive plant material. The resulting plant material can be used as an ingredient in functional foods, dietary supplements, in the production of a natural medicine or for cosmetics.

Quality policy and responsibility

The company Natura Ekspert Krzysztof Gruszczyk declares the implementation of the adopted policy by conducting the acquisition of raw materials in conditions that guarantee their highest quality, implementation and improvement of the integrated management system in accordance with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice, ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and GACP, use of available technical and technological innovations, modern research methods.

Analytical & formulation service?

Cutting & blending?

Drying service?

Your own tea blend?

Please name it.

Regardless of your final goal, we are a tailored solution provider 

We handle turnkey plant based projects for pharmaceutical & beverage industries.

We welcome your inquiry:

Call us at +48 500 400 014

Or, leave a message if you have a question:

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Natura Ekspert Krzysztof Gruszczyk

ul. Chopina 14

20-023 Lublin

VAT UE: PL 919-100-56-09

Natura Expert Ltd.

ul. Chopina 14

20-023 Lublin

VAT UE: PL 712-327-46-78

© 2021 by Natura Expert.

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